TED MEEKMA consult

Develop an effective sports programming hook

Increase sports participation, drive traffic flow and improve performance levels

Develop a sports amenity into a sales/marketing attraction

Generate higher margin revenues around a sports/recreation experience

Use sport to drive real estate sales, rentals and appreciation

Turn a cost/service center into a profit center

Bring commercial training strategies to social sports/recreation environments

Avoid costly sports facility design mistakes upfront

Prospective Clients

The types of prospective clients that can benefit from a affiliation are quite diversified. But they all share at least one characteristic: a desire to reap the multiple benefits to be realized from a commercially successful sports training/recreation environment. They include:

  • Camps and Academies
  • Clubs and Resorts
  • Federations
  • Olympic Committees
  • Schools and Parks
  • Residential Developments
  • Cities and Townships
  • Professional Teams/Clubs
  • Leagues and Associations