TED MEEKMA consult

Increase sports participation, drive traffic flow and improve performance levels

Use sport to drive real estate sales, rentals and appreciation

Bring commercial training strategies to social sports/recreation environments

Generate higher margin revenues around a sports/recreation experience

Turn a cost/service center into a profit center

Develop a sports amenity into a sales/marketing attraction

Develop an effective sports programming hook

Avoid costly sports facility design mistakes upfront


"A MAN AT THE TOP OF HIS GAME," commented Larry Eder, publisher of 7 sports magazines

"A MAN AT THE TOP OF HIS GAME," commented Larry Eder, publisher of 7 sports magazines


SPIRE Academy: Ted Meekma, SPIRE video, note by Larry Eder

Ted Meekma knows a lot about sports academies. He managed what became IMG sports academies, and now he and his team will be launching them at the SPIRE Institute. Meekma, in an interview with him and Stephanie Tolleson, to be seen at a later date, struck me as a man at the top of his game. I am fascinated how this could work in track & field.......

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